Self Inquiry

                          "Our Love Ascending" 

            At some point every one of us will go on the hero's journey, a Spiritual journey of true Self seeking. The bird in this painting represents us as we go on that path, carrying different burdens and heaviness from our own life experience and our family/social ties. The different mountains, in different shades, represent different layers of obstacles that we face on the journey, and on this path, we may be at different levels at different times. Ultimately it leads to the blue sky, sunshine, and freedom.

                    Self-Inquiry is for Everybody

Forgive everyone and everything for everything. This is the way to have peace.

            This is is a world with much untapped potential. The best thing we can do for ourselves or others is to wake up to our true potential by following our heart. The truth is many people know what they really want to do with their time, but they don't trust themselves and follow through. Forgiveness is a big step people must take to heal themselves and live the life they want to live.

            The mind is a fertile ground that grows the thoughts we feed it. Some negative thoughts are repetitive and cause havoc in our lives. We look at ourselves and others in a judgmental way because we are treated unkindly. We hold onto old hurts and carry them with us and it keeps us from connecting to ourselves, others, and God. We need to take responsibility for ourselves and our lives by not blaming anyone or anything for the way we feel. There are some things that have happened to people in childhood that have been really awful like rape and incest. Forgiveness is the key to healing our lives and finding happiness no matter what the circumstances are. It's what money can't buy, the peace that doesn't go away with circumstances. There was a time in my life where I was shelterless in wintertime. It was very hard and my faith in God carried me through. I prayed to God for a long time in my life but many people don't know that God can talk to you in different ways.

             One of the ways I learned to talk to God was by writing letters to Him/Her in a journal and writing letters directed to me from Him/Her. I would also write dialogues back and forth in a script format where I would say something and God would respond. In AA they talk about a God of your understanding or a higher power because many people feel uncomfortable with the word God. Follow your heart and trust your instincts in how you address God.

            Many people believe that some beings like Satan, Kali and others are out to get us. They think that there are demons and fallen angels that are against us. The truth is we should forgive them and anything that has been done against us just as we do with people. Condemnation does not help us, it only hurts us and some religious places have done that in a really bad way.

             Love Loves all, Love forgives all.

              If there is someone who wronged you or others, or if you have wronged someone, talk to them while you are alone as if they are there. Speak from your heart the words that come to you to forgive or ask for forgiveness.

             One of the reasons we leave God out of our lives is because we misunderstand Him/Her because religion is many times confusing. Many people don't pray because they don't like the way religion has presented itself. Truthfully God is waiting for us to have a personal relationship with Him/Her. This is what people like Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Krishna, Kali, and many others taught. All beings are God's children and should be loved. In all things follow your heart and let it be your guide. Sometimes you may not know what to say or how to listen but just pray (talk to) and meditate (listen to) God. He/She will show you the way to heal your life.

            It is important to say that there is a dimension to heaven/hell and that people throughout history have had visions of both, whether it is dreams or NDE's (near death experiences). The truth is when we follow our hearts, forgive, and take responsibility for our lives, we heal hell and awaken to heaven. Reincarnation is real and has been very confusing for many beings but it is being healed by forgiveness. Forgiveness heals Karma. If there is something bothering you, lean on God by telling Him/Her so that He/She can lift it off your heart.

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Thank you,
-John E Campbell 

P.S. check out this list of wonderful books if you feel moved to. They are all wonderful pointers to Spiritual health and well being.


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