The Depth Book (Sample)
The Depth Book
Physical, Mental, Emotional, And Spiritual Healing through Repentance
By: John E. Campbell
To the mind which is the heart, which is our love which is our soul. I dedicate this book to our hearts and for helping all of us be free of fear, doubt, and anxiety.
Love God, yourself, and others with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. This is how to heal the ego.
Chapter 1
What is the ego?
Chapter 2
Physical health
Chapter 3
Social health
Chapter 4
Mental health
Chapter 5
Emotional health
Chapter 6
Spiritual health
Chapter 7
Spiritual activism
Chapter 8
Following your heart
Final thoughts
The word repentance means different things to different people. Some people think of repentance only in a religious way. In Christianity, there is a longstanding belief that you must believe in Jesus as your lord and savior, and that this is the only path to salvation. Truly, what Jesus taught was repentance, which is really about letting go of what is wrong and doing what is right, both internally and externally. In fact, this is what all religions are pointing to. "Why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?" says Jesus in the New Testament. There were things happening in the distant past in the world that God was trying to correct, but people were not heeding God's warnings and correction, which is why, in many ways, the Old Testament of the Bible is so different from the New Testament. The gospel has been preached by prophets since the beginning of human history in different religions. It's really a lot simpler than people think. Do the right thing, don't do the wrong thing. Follow your heart and ask for help from God. Turn to God and ask God to lead you in every part of life. God wants to guide you in everything. What Jesus taught was having a direct relationship with God, not making him the only path to salvation. He taught forgiveness, and doing the right thing, or following your heart. That is repentance. Trust yourself. Follow your heart. You know what to do and what not to do in your heart. This book will talk about aligning our minds and hearts with God, and how making different positive steps for improving physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health are part of repentance, which, you could say, is like saying: “God, take the wheel!” :-)
"Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" -Holy Bible
Chapter 1
What is ego?
The ego has been defined differently by psychology and spirituality. Psychology has essentially defined ego as the personality. It is our consciousness, the part of us that is aware and responsible for our inner actions (beliefs, intentions, thoughts and feelings) and our outer actions (words and deeds). For most people, our mind is out of control to different degrees, and thinks in a destructive way. It feels anger about past hurts, and the injustice in the world. Spirituality has defined the ego as wrong personality. This is wrong beliefs, intentions, thoughts, words, deeds and feelings. Essentially this is our defects of character, our hatreds, our judgements. These are parts of us that we need to examine and let go because they prevent enlightenment, which is freedom from these defects.
I think both of these definitions of ego are valid, but in my experience I have learned that every part of us is to be loved and respected. Where are our negative thoughts and feelings coming from? They come from us, and parts of us are angry about things that may have been wrong in our lives or the lives of others. These thoughts and feelings need to be looked at and changed with patience, care, and love. Everything is energy, including our thoughts and feelings. Ask yourself, "what is going on in me that is preventing me from being happy? What are my beliefs about life? Do I love life? Do I love the people in my life? How can I make the world better? What does God want for me?"
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Thank you,
-John E Campbell
P.S. check out this list of wonderful books if you feel moved to. They are all wonderful pointers to Spiritual health and well being.
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